Pascal keeps your hand tied. C gives you enough rope to hang yourself. – Anon. Category: Computers :: Programs & Programm
Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers. – Leonard Brandwein Category: Computers :: Programs & Programm
A program is a spell cast over a computer, turning input into error messages. – Anon. Category: Computers :: Programs & Programm
Real programmers dont work from 9 to 5. If any real programmers are around at 9am its because they were up all night. – Tom Van Vleck Category: Computers :: Programs & Programm
You purchase pain with all that joy can give, and die of nothing but a rage to live. – Alexander Pope Category: Hmmm
The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each others life. – Richard Bach Category: Family
John Candy knew he was going to die. He told me on his 40th birthday. He said, well, Maureen, Im on borrowed time. – Maureen OHara Category: Birthday