The only thing thats been a worse flop than the organization of non-violence has been the organization of violence. – Joan Baez
As we know, forgiveness of oneself is the hardest of all the forgivenesses. – Joan Baez
The only thing thats been a worse flop than the organization of non-violence has been the organization of violence. – Joan Baez
As we know, forgiveness of oneself is the hardest of all the forgivenesses. – Joan Baez
It seems to me that those songs that have been any good, I have nothing much to do with the writing of them. The words have just crawled down my sleeve and come out on the page. – Joan Baez
The easiest kind of relationship for me is with ten thousand people. The hardest is with one. – Joan Baez
The people in power will not disappear voluntarily, giving flowers to the cops just isnt going to work. This thinking is fostered by the establishment; they like nothing better than love and nonviolence. The only way I like to see cops given flowers is in a flower pot from a high window. – William S. Burroughs