

The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality. – Dante Alighieri

The only immorality is not to do what one has to do when one has to do it. – Jean Anouilh

Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts. – Aristotle

Never let your sense of morals get in the way of doing whats right. – Isaac Asimov

While moral rules may be propounded by authority the fact that these were so propounded would not validate them. – Sir Alfred Jules Ayer

Im as pure as the driven slush. – Tallulah Bankhead

The essence of morality is a questioning about morality; and the decisive move of human life is to use ceaselessly all light to look for the origin of the opposition between good and evil. – Georges Bataille

Morality is character and conduct such as is required by the circle or community in which the mans life happens to be placed. It shows how much good men require of us. – Henry Ward Beecher

Bad company ruins good morals. – Bible

Moralitys not practical. Moralitys a gesture. A complicated gesture learnt from books. – Robert Bolt

Compound for sins they are inclined to by damning those they have no mind to. – Samuel Butler

Everythings got a moral, if only you can find it. – Lewis Carroll

It is far easier for a woman to lead a blameless life than it is for a man; all she has to do is to avoid sexual intercourse like the plague. – Angela Carter

The person is always happy who is in the presence of something they cannot know in full. A person as advanced far in the study of morals who has mastered the difference between pride and vanity. – Sebastian Roch Nicolas Chamfort

What is light without dark? Right without left? What is goodness without the option to be evil? – Harrison Christian

I cannot believe that this country cannot come together around some values what these kids need is a moral life… the issue is not ideas, it is conduct. The real question is how we reach these young people morally, and what do we bring to them. – Robert Coles

Corruption is like a ball of snow, once its set a rolling it must increase. – Charles Caleb Colton