[I]t is not health, it is convalescence that is poetical. Just as certain plants only yield all their fragrance to the fingers that crush them, so it is only in a state of suffering that certain affections utter all their poetry. – Alexandre Vinet (1797–1847)
My obsession with time informs my poetry so completely it is hard for me to summarize it. We want time to pass, for new things to happen to us, we want to hold on to certain moments, we dont want our lives to end. – John Barton
But like a born actor who only really wants to direct, Gingrich has always been unsatisfied with what hes brilliant at. He cant still his hunger to deliver grand pronouncements on life, liberalism, conservatism, religion and whatever else swims into his consciousness. – John Podhoretz
Science predicts that many different kinds of universe will be spontaneously created out of nothing. It is a matter of chance which we are in. – Stephen Hawking