Quote by African Proverb
Only a fool tests the depth of the water with both feet. - African

Only a fool tests the depth of the water with both feet. – African Proverb

Other quotes by African Proverb

Indecision is like a stepchild: if he does not wash his hands, he is called dirty, if he does, he is wasting water. – African Proverb

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Other Quotes from
Fools, Foolishness

Greatest fools are the most often satisfied. – Nicholas Boileau

Fools build houses, and wise men buy them. – English Proverb

In days gone by, we were afraid of dying in dishonor or a state of sin. Nowadays, we are afraid of dying fools. Now the fact is that there is no Extreme Unction to absolve us of foolishness. We endure it here on earth as subjective eternity. – Jean Baudrillard

A fool always finds a greater fool to admire him. – Nicholas Boileau

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Being a funny person does an awful lot of things to you. You feel that you mustnt get serious with people. They dont expect it from you, and they dont want to see it. Youre not entitled to be serious, youre a clown. – Fanny Brice
