Quote by Sigmund Freud
Neurotics complain of their illness, but they make the most of it,

Neurotics complain of their illness, but they make the most of it, and when it comes to talking it away from them they will defend it like a lioness her young. – Sigmund Freud

Other quotes by Sigmund Freud

Just as a cautious businessman avoids investing all his capital in one concern, so wisdom would probably admonish us also not to anticipate all our happiness from one quarter alone. – Sigmund Freud

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Whoever loves becomes humble. Those who love have, so to speak, pawned a part of their narcissism. – Sigmund Freud

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Illusions commend themselves to us because they save us pain and allow us to enjoy pleasure instead. We must therefore accept it without complaint when they sometimes collide with a bit of reality against which they are dashed to pieces. – Sigmund Freud

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Other Quotes from
Mental Illness

We have long observed that every neurosis has the result, and therefore probably the purpose, of forcing the patient out of real life, of alienating him from actuality. – Sigmund Freud

Mental Illness

Neurosis has an absolute genius for malingering. There is no illness which it cannot counterfeit perfectly. If it is capable of deceiving the doctor, how should it fail to deceive the patient? – Marcel Proust

Mental Illness

A paranoiac, like a poet, is born, not made. – Luis Bunuel

Mental Illness

Much of what is labeled mental illness simply reflects our – George Vaillant

Mental Illness

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