There is no such condition as schizophrenia, but the label is a so

There is no such condition as schizophrenia, but the label is a social fact and the social fact a political event. – R. D. Laing

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Mental Illness

A paranoiac, like a poet, is born, not made. – Luis Bunuel

Mental Illness

The sensitiveness claimed by neurotic is matched by their egotism: they cannot abide the flaunting by others of the sufferings to which they pay an even increasing amount of attention in themselves. – Marcel Proust

Mental Illness

So I had a choice between going to a jail or going to a bughouse like a nice young middle-class student. So I chose to go to a very polite mental hospital. When I left eight months later, they said, You were never psychotic. You were just an average neurotic. – Allen Ginsberg

Mental Illness

I envy paranoids; they actually feel people are paying attention to them. – Susan Sontag

Mental Illness

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