Quote by Diana Lopez
Most everything I do revolves around tae kwon do. That said, I lik

Most everything I do revolves around tae kwon do. That said, I like to be a typical girl and go shopping. I have three nieces and nephews that I like to hang out with. Im also finishing my last semester at the University of Houston, where Im majoring in childhood education. – Diana Lopez

Other quotes by Diana Lopez

It is pretty amazing. My parents, who came from Nicaragua to the U.S. – who would have thought that they would have American kids on the Olympic team? I think thats the epitome of the Olympic dream. – Diana Lopez

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Growing up with three older brothers and being the youngest and the only girl, my mom always made me tough. Shes taught me over the years how to be a strong, independent woman, how to carry yourself in a positive way and anything that my brothers can do, I can do. – Diana Lopez

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I am very proud of my mom and consider her the most courageous woman I know. With perseverance, sacrifice and hard work, she raised a family of Olympic athletes and gave us the tools and the spirit to succeed. That is something that my brothers and I will always be thankful for. – Diana Lopez

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