Millions of dollars worth of advertising shows such little respect

Millions of dollars worth of advertising shows such little respect for the readers intelligence that it amounts almost to outright insult. – James Randolph Adams

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Im fascinated by the journey that an intelligent and an ambitious woman makes in the professional world in contrast to the journey that a man of similar ambition, of similar intelligence makes. What sort of concessions does a woman have to make? Does she have to work 20 percent harder than a man? – Charles Cumming


The assumption is that the right kind of society is an organic being not merely analogous to an organic being, but actually a living structure with appetites and digestions, instincts and passions, intelligence and reason. – Herbert Read


Immaturity is the incapacity to use ones intelligence without the guidance of another. – Immanuel Kant


Were not trying to harass the average American. We need to convert this now to a risk-based system, with TSA concentrating and focusing on intelligence, on security, setting up again the parameters of which we do this. – John Mica


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But look, I was born in 1956, the peak year for births in US history. I think Im very representative of many of the thought processes my generation have been through and, by and large, people of my age have had their imprint planted on the consciousness of western society for a long time. – Tom Hanks


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Now they have come to the place where their faith can no longer feed on the bread of repression and violence. They ask for the bread of liberty, of public equality, and public responsibility. It must not be denied them. – Mordecai Wyatt Johnson
