

Persistence is a strong will. Obstinance is a strong won – Anon.

Who is so deaf or so blind as he that willfully will neither hear nor see? – English Proverb

Obstinacy is will asserting itself without being able to justify itself. It is persistence without a reasonable motive. It is the tenacity of self-love substituted for that of reason and conscience. – Henri Frederic Amiel

…there is a difference between being convinced and being stubborn. I – Maya Angelou

Obstinate people can be divded into the opinionated, the ignorant, and the boorish. – Aristotle

Stubbornness does have its helpful features. You always know what youre going to be thinking tomorrow. – Glen Beaman

In the face of an obstacle which is impossible to overcome, stubbornness is stupid. – Simone de Beauvoir

Obstinacy in a bad cause is but constancy in a good. – Sir Thomas Browne

They defend their errors as if they were defending their inheritance. – Edmund Burke

A small mind is obstinate. A great mind can lead and be led. – Alexander Cannon

Certainly, the mistakes that we male and female mortals make when we have our own way might fairly raise some wonder that were so fond of it. – George Eliot

Obstinacy in opinions holds the dogmatist in the chains of error, without hope of emancipation. – John C. Granville

Stubbornness is the strength of the weak. – Johann Kaspar Lavater

Like all weak men he laid an exaggerated stress on not changing ones mind. – W. Somerset Maugham

He says NO! in thunder; but the Devil himself cannot make him say yes. – Herman Melville

Obstinacy is the sister of constancy, at least in vigor and stability. – Michel de Montaigne

Obstinacy is the result of the will forcing itself into the place of the intellect. – Arthur Schopenhauer

The obstinacy of cleverness and reason is nothing to the obstinacy of folly and inanity. – Harriet Beecher Stowe

Stubborness we deprecate,
Firmness we condone,
The former is our neighbors trait,
The latter is our own. – John Wooden