Quote by Michael Nutter
Mayors could never get away with the kind of nonsense that goes on

Mayors could never get away with the kind of nonsense that goes on in Washington. In our world, you either picked up the trash or you didnt. You either moved an abandoned car or you didnt. You either filled a pothole or you didnt. Thats what we do every day. And we know how to get this stuff done. – Michael Nutter

Other quotes by Michael Nutter

The federal government… knows how to put a missile in someones room half way around the world with technology. Why dont we use some of that technology to save some lives here in America? – Michael Nutter

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What the mayors care about is, How can I get money to invest in the infrastructure in my city? How do we put people back to work, lower the unemployment rate, provide for job training programs? How do we make class sizes smaller and make investments in our children from an education standpoint? – Michael Nutter

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They think they can make fuel from horse manure – now, I dont know if your car will be able to get 30 miles to the gallon, but its sure gonna put a stop to siphoning. – Billie Holiday


I definitely I prefer to sing in the car. I dont sing in the shower, maybe its because thats the one time I dont need to talk to anyone so I should just shut up, otherwise Im just, you know, jibber jabber. – Haley Reinhart


I dont put myself on Jeff Becks level, but I can relate to him when he says hed rather be working on his car collection than playing the guitar. – Ritchie Blackmore


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