Quote by Katherine Jenkins
I love coming back to Neath - this is home and always will be. - K

I love coming back to Neath – this is home and always will be. – Katherine Jenkins

Other quotes by Katherine Jenkins

Im over the moon to be involved in the Doctor Who Christmas special. I cant quite believe it as its a part of the family tradition at the Jenkins household. I heard the news that I got the role on my 30th birthday and it was the best birthday present ever. – Katherine Jenkins

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I think maybe because of the kind of music I sing, people want to believe youre a diva. They cant believe after eight years, and eight albums, youre still relatively sane. I feel like they almost want me to throw something at somebody. – Katherine Jenkins

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Youre now getting a new breed of people like Il Divo and Andrea Bocelli and I think thats why people feel less intimidated by classical music than they once did. – Katherine Jenkins

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Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do… but how much love we put in that action. – Mother Teresa


Home is, I suppose just a childs idea. A house at night, and a lamp in the house. A place to feel safe. – V. S. Naipaul


And I think what people in New Jersey have gotten to know about me over the last decade that Ive been in public life is what you see is what you get. And Im no different when Im sitting with you than I am when Im at home or anyplace else. – Chris Christie


Its like, now youre actually complaining because youre making $9 million and guys are making more? If it makes you that upset, quit. Leave the game. Go home then and try finding another job thats going to pay you that. – Eric Davis


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