Quote by Wesley Snipes
I love being a dad, it keeps me fit and inspired and children are

I love being a dad, it keeps me fit and inspired and children are so funny. They always supply you with acting material! – Wesley Snipes

Other quotes by Wesley Snipes

I like science fiction and physics, things like that. Planets being sucked into black holes, and the various vortexes that create possibility, and what happens on the other side of the black hole. To me its the microcosmic study of the macrocosmic universe in man, and thats why Im attracted to it. – Wesley Snipes

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No one can train you to be famous. How do you deal with the loss of anonymity, the loss of privacy? You have to be disciplined. – Wesley Snipes

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My Dad, a small-town lawyer, was also named Paul. Until we lost him when I was 16, he was a gentle presence in my life. I like to think hed be proud of me and my sister and brothers, because Im sure proud of him and of where I come from, Janesville, Wisconsin. – Paul Ryan


My dad came from Cuba when he was a teenager not speaking English. And I grew up here speaking Spanglish. Thats the world in which I grew up, and thats a world in which a lot of second generation immigrants find themselves. – Ted Cruz


I have to remind my dad, Journalists – no matter how many cigars they smoke with you – are not your friends, so dont talk to them. – Cameron Diaz


My mother taught public school, went to Harvard and then got her masters there and taught fifth and sixth grade in a public school. My dad had a more working-class lifestyle. He didnt go to college. He was an auto mechanic and a bartender and a janitor at Harvard. – Ben Affleck


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There is, in world affairs, a steady course to be followed between an assertion of strength that is truculent and a confession of helplessness that is cowardly. – Dwight D Eisenhower
