
Presidents Day

Not in vain has Lincoln lived, for he has helped to make this republic an example of justice, with no caste but the caste of humanity. – George Bancroft

His heart was as great as the world, but there was no room in it to hold the memory of a wrong. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

He is one of those giant figures, of whom there are very few in history, who lose their nationality in death. – David Lloyd George

Oh, wise physician of a wasted land! – Hermann Hagedorn

Would I might rouse the Lincoln in you all. – Vachel Lindsay

Mute though his lips be, yet they still speak. Hushed is his voice, but its echoes of liberty are ringing through the world, and the sons of bondage listen with joy. – Matthew Simpson

The important thing today is not what we say of Lincoln but what Lincoln would say of us if he were here in this hour and could note the drift and tendency in American life and American politics. – Stephen Samuel Wise

Abraham Lincoln needs no marble shaft to perpetuate his name; his words are the most enduring monument, and will forever live in the hearts of the people. – Osborn H. Oldroyd

If you look at his portraits they always give you an indelible impression of his great height. So does his life. Height of purpose, height of ideal, height of character, height of intelligence. – David Lloyd George

Lincoln was not a type. He stands alone – no ancestors, no fellows, no successors. – Robert G. Ingersoll

He showed that fame may be won and what services be rendered by a plain son of the people unaided by any gifts of fortune. – James Bryce

In him was vindicated the greatness of real goodness and the goodness of real greatness. – Phillips Brooks

Humble birth did not retard his genius, nor high place corrupt his soul. – Cass Gilbert

He was one of the few great rulers whose wisdom increased with his power, and whose spirit grew gentler and tenderer as his triumphs were multiplied. – James A. Garfield

His heart and his brain were utterly foreign to all vindictiveness or personal bitterness. He declared himself hotly and strongly against wrong causes, but never against men. – London Spectator

A statesman of the school of sound common sense, and a philanthropist of the most practical type, a patriot without a superior – his monument is a country preserved. – C.S. Harrington

Lincoln had faith in time, and time has justified his faith. – Benjamin Harrison

He raised his hands, not to strike, but in benediction. Lincoln was the grandest figure of the fiercest civil war. He is the gentlest memory of our world. – Robert G. Ingersoll

He was a common man expanded into giant proportions; well acquainted with the people, he placed his hand on the beating pulse of the nation, judged of its disease and was ready with a remedy. – Joshua Speed

His love shone as impartial as the sun. – Maurice Thompson