Man lives for science as well as bread. – William James
Our faith is faith in someone elses faith, and in the greatest matters this is most the case. – William James
Man lives for science as well as bread. – William James
Our faith is faith in someone elses faith, and in the greatest matters this is most the case. – William James
If you believe that feeling bad or worrying long enough will change a past or future event, then you are residing on another planet with a different reality system. – William James
The best argument I know for an immortal life is the existence of a man who deserves one. – William James
We are all tattooed in our cradles with the beliefs of our tribe; the record may seem superficial, but it is indelible. You cannot educate a man wholly out of the superstitious fears which were implanted in his imagination, no matter how utterly his reason may reject them. – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., The Poet at the Breakfast Table, 1872
It is true that the aristocracies seem to have abused their monopoly of legal knowledge and at all events their exclusive possession of the law was a formidable impediment to the success of those popular movements which began to be universal in the western world. – Henry James Sumner Maine