Quote by Eugene Delacroix
I live in company with a body, a silent companion, exacting and et

I live in company with a body, a silent companion, exacting and eternal. He it is who notes that individuality which is the seal of the weakness of our race. My soul has wings, but the brutal jailer is strict. – Eugene Delacroix

Other quotes by Eugene Delacroix

What moves those of genius, what inspires their work is not new ideas, but their obsession with the idea that what has already been said is still not enough. – Eugene Delacroix

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Mankind, Man

… a total being who can do many different things – think, fight, remember, love, anticipate, copulate, sing, laugh, imagine. All the activities can be used for good ends, all can be abused and turned to evil ends. – Robert McAfee Brown

Mankind, Man

Evolution is not finished; reason is not the last word nor the reasoning animal the supreme figure of Nature. As man emerged out of the animal, so out of man the superman emerges. – Ghose Aurobindo

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The function of muscle is to pull and not to push, except in the case of the genitals and the tongue. – Leonardo DaVinci

Mankind, Man

Why am I so determined to put the shoulder where it belongs? Women have very round shoulders that push forward slightly; this touches me and I say: One must not hide that! Then someone tells you: The shoulder is on the back. Ive never seen women with shoulders on their backs. – Coco Chanel

Mankind, Man

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