Quote by Uma Thurman
So, you know, parenting is a very intimate and amazing experience

So, you know, parenting is a very intimate and amazing experience and one of the best experiences of my life. – Uma Thurman

Other quotes by Uma Thurman

It is better to have a relationship with someone who cheats on you than with someone who does not flush the toilet. – Uma Thurman

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Desperation is the perfume of the young actor. Its so satisfying to have gotten rid of it. If you keep smelling it, it can drive you crazy. In this business a lot of people go nuts, go eccentric, even end up dead from it. Not my plan. – Uma Thurman

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I spent the first fourteen years of my life convinced that my looks were hideous. Adolescence is painful for everyone, I know, but mine was plain weird. – Uma Thurman

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But when youre deprived of it for a lengthy period then you value human companionship. But you have to survive and so you devise all kinds of mental exercises and its amazing. – Wole Soyinka


My whole family actually, but my parents. I had such a normal and amazing childhood. Ive been so lucky. My parents are cool and normal. They dont talk about the business and I still have stuff to do at their house. – Kaley Cuoco


Well, it was the beginning of my film career. It was amazing to me that I got nominated for an Academy Award. – Sally Kellerman


Shes 32, and she has three children. She loves to be pregnant but she doesnt want anymore children in her life. So she decided to help another couple. And shes just been amazing. – Cheryl Tiegs


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