Quote by Jennifer Lopez
You know, maybe I was just born in the wrong time, but I love all

You know, maybe I was just born in the wrong time, but I love all things romantic. Puffy understands that. For my last birthday, he covered my hotel room floor with rose petals and had flowers and candles all over the room. – Jennifer Lopez

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I do know a lot about Scientology. And I know about the practices. I know all about what the technology is and all that kind of stuff. Its very helpful. – Jennifer Lopez

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I just knew that was what I wanted to do. I was going to perform as a singer I was going to perform as a dancer, and I was, you know, going to do movies and be an actress. I was going to do it or die trying. Thats what my life was. – Jennifer Lopez

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People assume Im out there having this great life, but money doesnt erase the pain. When youre young you barrel through life, making choices without thinking of repercussions. A few years down the line, you wake up in a certain place and wonder how the hell you got there. – Jennifer Lopez

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Im amazed. When I was 40, I thought Id never make 50. And at 50 I thought the frosting on the cake would be 60. At 60, I was still going strong and enjoying everything. – Gloria Stuart


I hate birthdays. I hate birthday parties. I hate them. I dont know what it is, anybodys only got to come wafting near me with a piece of cake with a candle on and I break out in hives. – Cat Deeley


I gave a funny speech at my wifes birthday party, and Im thinking, Hey, Ive still got it. – Larry David


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