Quote by Nathan Fillion
I kind of fell backwards into acting. I was studying to be a high

I kind of fell backwards into acting. I was studying to be a high school teacher. I look now and I understand completely, or actually barely, how much work it is to be a teacher. Its an incredible amount of work. – Nathan Fillion

Other quotes by Nathan Fillion

Ill never look down on and I love running into actors who say Oh yeah, I did a soap. I say Tell me which one! Its like being a member of a secret society. – Nathan Fillion

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Ive got a full plate, yes I do. That iPod, thats nice. A phone recorder? Nicely done. All right Im a bit of a tech geek. I have a subscription to Popular Science and I keep up on all this stuff. – Nathan Fillion

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I have a trophy case that contains all the action figures ever made of me. It also has items Ive stolen from my movies, like three guns and holsters from Serenity. – Nathan Fillion

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Once I understood Bachs music, I wanted to be a concert pianist. Bach made me dedicate my life to music, and it was that teacher who introduced me to his world. – Nina Simone


I think once youre in the public eye, whether youre a boss, a teacher or whatever you do, that youre automatically in the position of role model. You have people looking up to you, so whether you choose to accept it or not is a different question. – Talib Kweli


When I was about 13 or 14, I had an English teacher who made a deal with me that I could get out of doing all of the years regular work if I would write a short story a week and on Friday read it to the class. – Victor Salva


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