The insufferable arrogance of human beings to think that Nature wa

The insufferable arrogance of human beings to think that Nature was made solely for their benefit, as if it was conceivable that the sun had been set afire merely to ripen mens apples and head their cabbages. – Cyrano de Bergerac

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Nowadays the rage for possession has got to such a pitch that there is nothing in the realm of nature, whether sacred or profane, out of which profit cannot be squeezed. – Desiderius Erasmus


Each of us has a very rich nature and can look at things objectively, from a distance, and at the same time can have something more personal to say about them. I am trying to look at the world, and at myself, from many different points of view. I think many poets have this duality. – Wislawa Szymborska


Nature always tends to act in the simplest way. – Bernoulli


Good heavens, of what uncostly material is our earthly happiness composed… if we only knew it. What incomes have we not had from a flower, and how unfailing are the dividends of the seasons. – James Russell Lowell


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God asks no man whether he will accept life. That is not the choice. You must take it. The only question is how. – Henry Ward Beecher


One of the joys of being a Christian or being a person of faith is that you believe deep down that death isnt the worst thing, you know. Not living your life: thats the worst thing. And death is not, its not all its cracked up to be. Its not, its not the end of the world. – Gene Robinson


I wouldnt tell you anything about anybody I cared about because it becomes entertainment for other people, and it sort of just cheapens everything in your life. I would never tell you if I was dating anybody. – Kristen Stewart


If you dont like something, change it. If you cant change it, change your attitude. Dont complain. – Maya Angelou
