Quote by Russell Baker
Inanimate objects can be classified scientifically into three majo

Inanimate objects can be classified scientifically into three major categories those that dont work, those that break down and those that get lost. – Russell Baker

Other quotes by Russell Baker

Anticipating that most poetry will be worse than carrying heavy luggage through OHare Airport, the public, to its loss, reads very little of it. – Russell Baker

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You can always tell folks from nonfolks. Folks like to feel good, like to smile for the camera when theres a big photo opportunity for a really good cause. – Russell Baker

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I liked math – that was my favorite subject – and I was very interested in astronomy and in physical science. – Sally Ride


The time was not yet ripe for the growth of mathematical science among us, and any development that might have taken place in that direction was rudely stopped by the civil war. – Simon Newcomb


That science has long been neglected and declining in England, is not an opinion originating with me, but is shared by many, and has been expressed by higher authority than mine. – Charles Babbage


You know, there was a time, just before I started to study physical science, when astronomers thought that systems such as we have here in the solar system required a rare triple collision of stars. – Murray Gell-Mann


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