I have a very firm grasp on reality! I can reach out and strangle it any time! – Author Unknown Category: Reality
What happens to the wide-eyed observer when the window between reality and unreality breaks and the glass begins to fly? – Author Unknown Category: Reality
Fear not what is not real, never was and never will be. What is real, always was and cannot be destroyed. – Bhagavad Gita Category: Reality
If a movie isnt a hit right out of the gate, they drop it. Which means that the whole mainstream Hollywood product has been skewed toward violence and vulgar teen comedy. – Roger Ebert Category: teen
Or dont you like to write letters. I do because its such a swell way to keep from working and yet feel youve done something. – Ernest Hemingway Category: Letters (writing)
Good nature is worth more than knowledge, more than money, more than honor, to the persons who possess it. – Henry Ward Beecher Category: good
Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is. – Isaac Asimov Category: Education