Quote by Josh Hutcherson
In all honesty I think that Ive had a very normal life, even thoug

In all honesty I think that Ive had a very normal life, even though Ive been making movies since I was 9. – Josh Hutcherson

Other quotes by Josh Hutcherson

I like both athletic girls and girly girls. It depends on their personality. I like girls who can go out and play sports with me and throw the football around, but you dont want a girl whos too much tougher than you. I like brainy girls who can respond to what Im saying. – Josh Hutcherson

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In a lot of movies, especially big studio ones, theyre not constructed in any other way than to get people to like them and then tell their friends. Its a product. – Charlie Kaufman


All that running around in my underwear put money in my pockets. I can focus on working in interesting movies without having to worry about supporting myself. – Mark Wahlberg


Movies about space raise those questions of what were doing here, and that inevitably introduces a spiritual dimension. – Danny Boyle


I do other sorts of things. I act in other peoples movies. I direct operas. I write books. – Werner Herzog


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