Quote by Ernest Hemingway
Here is the piece. If you cant say fornicate can you say copulate

Here is the piece. If you cant say fornicate can you say copulate or if not that can you say co-habit? If not that would have to say consummate I suppose. Use your own good taste and judgment. – Ernest Hemingway

Other quotes by Ernest Hemingway

I still need more healthy rest in order to work at my best. My health is the main capital I have and I want to administer it intelligently. – Ernest Hemingway

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Profanity, Swearing, Vulgarity

Ethelberta breathed a sort of exclamation, not right out, but stealthily, like a parsons damn. – Thomas Hardy

Its only with great vulgarity that you can achieve real refinement, only out of bawdy that you can get tenderness. – Lawrence Durrell

The vulgar man is always the most distinguished, for the very desire to be distinguished is vulgar. – G. K. Chesterton

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