Quote by Ernest Hemingway
Im not going to get into the ring with Tolstoy. - Ernest Hemingway

Im not going to get into the ring with Tolstoy. – Ernest Hemingway

Other quotes by Ernest Hemingway

The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists. – Ernest Hemingway

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Youre an expatriate. Youve lost touch with the soil. You get precious. Fake European standards have ruined you. You drink yourself to death. You become obsessed by sex. You spend all your time talking, not working. You are an expatriate, see? You hang around caf?s. – Ernest Hemingway

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I know war as few other men now living know it, and nothing to me is more revolting. I have long advocated its complete abolition, as its very destructiveness on both friend and foe has rendered it useless as a method of settling international disputes. – Ernest Hemingway

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Other Quotes from
Fight, Fighting

The foolish race of mankind are swarming below in the night; they shriek and rage and quarrel — and all of them are right. – Heinrich Heine

Fight, Fighting

People who fight fire with fire usually end up with ashes. – Abigail Van Buren

Fight, Fighting

The last sound on the worthless earth will be two human beings trying to launch a homemade spaceship and already quarreling about where they are going next. – William Faulkner

Fight, Fighting

If you are losing a tug-of-war with a tiger, give him the rope before he gets to your arm. You can always buy a new rope. – Max Gunther

Fight, Fighting

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