I am having an out of money experience. - Author Unknown

I am having an out of money experience. – Author Unknown

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Prom Night

To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak. – Hopi Indian Saying

Prom Night

A good snapshot stops a moment from running away. – Eudora Welty

Prom Night

Men are those creatures with two legs and eight hands. – Jayne Mansfield

Prom Night

If you are ever in doubt as to whether to kiss a pretty girl, always give her the benefit of the doubt. – Thomas Carlyle

Prom Night

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Catalogues of imaginary libraries are an obscure but fruitful area of collecting. The tradition of imaginary books, which exist only within other books, goes back at least to Rabelais, who invented a list of book titles for the Abbey of Saint-Victor in Gargantua and Pantagruel (c.1532). – Emi Hastings, “Catalogues of Imaginary Libraries,” 2014


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