Quote by Britney Spears
Im so happy to be able to give kids the opportunity to learn about

Im so happy to be able to give kids the opportunity to learn about amazing world of dance and music that Ive have been lucky enough to make such a big part of my own life. – Britney Spears

Other quotes by Britney Spears

I remember I read this harsh review about my show, and one of my friends told me that this was the exact same stuff people said about Madonna. And its like, she didnt care. Madonna just came out and was herself. I respect that a lot. – Britney Spears

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Justin Timberlake is everything, and what more could you want in a person? Hes funny. Hes cute. Hes great. He just understands. I get him and he gets me, and thats cool. – Britney Spears

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Whats great about TV, and what I love about being on Parenthood, is you have this family. Im now going on four years of working with the same 100 people, and that helps you feel like your life has more roots. Its more conducive to having a family, and youre staying in town. So that part is amazing. – Dax Shepard


My father opened a restaurant. Its so amazing… its so freaking delicious, but Im telling you I gain five pounds every time I go in there. – Lady Gaga


If you tell people where to go, but not how to get there, youll be amazed at the results. – George S. Patton


Im the poster boy for Propecia. Its amazing. – Joe Lando


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Super Bowl

I am restless. I am athirst for faraway things. My soul goes out in a longing to touch the skirt of the dim distance. O Great Beyond, O the keen call of thy flute! I forget, I ever forget, that I have no wings to fly, that I am bound in this spot evermore. – Rabindranath Tagore


I love tiny, plastic realistic food magnets. I dont know why. Theyre hilarious. – Amy Lee
