The one happiness is to shut ones door upon a little room, with a table before one, and to create to create life in that isolation from life. – Eleanora Duse
The weaker partner in a marriage is the one who loves the most. – Eleanora Duse
The one happiness is to shut ones door upon a little room, with a table before one, and to create to create life in that isolation from life. – Eleanora Duse
The weaker partner in a marriage is the one who loves the most. – Eleanora Duse
If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if the simplest things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive. – Eleanora Duse
Crystallizing my feelings about the game, I find that squash is less frustrating than golf, less fickle than tennis. It is easier than badminton, cheaper than polo. It is better exercise than bowls, quicker than cricket, less boring than jogging, drier than swimming, safer than hang gliding. – John Hopkins, Squash: A Joyful Game, 1980