The smallest flower is a thought, a life answering to some feature of the Great Whole, of whom they have a persistent intuition. – Honore de Balzac Category: great
A subtle thought that is in error may yet give rise to fruitful inquiry that can establish truths of great value. – Isaac Asimov Category: great
Great indebtedness does not make men grateful, but vengeful and if a little charity is not forgotten, it turns into a gnawing worm. – Friedrich Nietzsche Category: great
I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travels sake. The great affair is to move. – Robert Louis Stevenson Category: great
To expect too much is to have a sentimental view of life and this is a softness that ends in bitterness. – Flannery OConnor Category: Life
Leaders have to act more quickly today. The pressure comes much faster. – Andy Grove Category: Technology
We learn from experience that men never learn anything from experience. – George Bernard Shaw Category: Experience
It is often wise to reveal that which cannot be concealed for long. – Friedrich von Schiller Category: Publicity