So great was the extremity of his pain and anguish, that he did not only sigh but roar. – Matthew Henry
It is good for us to keep some account of our prayers, that we may not unsay them in our practice. – Matthew Henry
So great was the extremity of his pain and anguish, that he did not only sigh but roar. – Matthew Henry
It is good for us to keep some account of our prayers, that we may not unsay them in our practice. – Matthew Henry
It is not fit the public trusts should be lodged in the hands of any, till they are first proved and found fit for the business they are to be entrusted with. – Matthew Henry
Many art-worlders have an if-you-say-so approach to art: Everyone is so scared of missing out on the next hot artist that its never clear whether people are liking work because they like it or because other people do. Everyone is keeping up with the Joneses, and there are more Joneses than ever. – Jerry Saltz