Quote by Sylvia Sidney
Tim and Fritz Lang I loved working with. Not Hitchcock so much. Th

Tim and Fritz Lang I loved working with. Not Hitchcock so much. There was no communication. – Sylvia Sidney

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To listen well is as powerful a means of communication and influence as to talk well. – John Marshall


I dont understand why people whose entire lives or their corporate success depends on communication, and yet they are led on occasion by CEOs who cannot talk their way out of a paper bag and dont care to. – Frank Luntz


The first work of the director is to set a mood so that the actors work can take place, so that the actor can create. And in order to do that, you have to communicate, communicate with the actors. And direction is about communication on all levels. – William Friedkin


It sounds so trite but in relationships, you have to communicate. – Peter Krause


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