The religious act is done reverently and lovingly in gratitude for the ancient Redemption, and thus becomes a type of the deep religious emotion with which that memorable event ever fills the pious heart. – Morris Joseph, “Passover,” Judaism as Creed and Life
Pesach without children is like a cantor without a song, like an actor without any lines, or a storyteller without an audience. – Joe Bobker, And You Thought There Were Only Four: 400 Questions to Make Your Sed
As for the bitter herbs…. To see everyone with tears coursing down their faces, laughing and gasping at the same time, is fun and also makes the point — bitter herbs must be really bitter to experience the suffering… – Julia Neuberger, On Being Jewish, 1995
Mrs. Parks act of brave defiance rocked the foundation of American society and inspired generations of civil rights leaders and created a sense of hope for every American facing legal discrimination in this country. – Kendrick Meek