Quote by Richard Murdoch
Im not a bad driver. And I never will be because I took lessons wh

Im not a bad driver. And I never will be because I took lessons when I was quite a boy. I never had to pass a test because there wasnt such a thing when I first started driving a motor car. So I didnt have to pass one. – Richard Murdoch

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Im a big believer in everybody being themselves. If not doing a swimsuit calendar is yourself, thats great. But if doing a swimsuit calendar is yourself, then you should be able to do it. What I do outside the car adds to who I am and expresses a different side of me. – Danica Patrick


Every time I get into a Nationwide car after being in a Cup car, I feel so much more comfortable than I did previously. – Danica Patrick


I know a man who doesnt pay to have his trash taken out. How does he get rid of his trash? He gift wraps it, and puts in into an unlocked car. – Henny Youngman


In high school, during marathon phone conversations, cheap pizza dinners and long suburban car rides, I began to fall for boys because of who they actually were, or at least who I thought they might become. – J. Courtney Sullivan


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