Quote by Travis Barker
My mom died when I was 16. I had a rough childhood, you know what

My mom died when I was 16. I had a rough childhood, you know what I mean, but it made me strong. – Travis Barker

Other quotes by Travis Barker

Its something I want to overcome. And my kids are scared to death to fly. I want them to witness me overcome it. – Travis Barker

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Im a freak, everything has to be totally flat when I play. Ed Will, my jazz teacher, set up everything completely flat, and then youd tilt your snare drum away from you, so I do that too. So my snare tilts away from me. – Travis Barker

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My biggest fear ever is to be involved in a plane crash, so when that happened… well, Im just thankful to be alive. Im just grateful to be here at all. – Travis Barker

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My mom and my dad wanted my brother and I to have a better life, you know, better education, better jobs. It was probably harder, much, much harder, for my parents. When youre a kid, you can learn a language much more easily I learned English in less than a year. – Mila Kunis


I burnt myself out of skating. I was ready to focus on being a mom. – Kristi Yamaguchi


My mom had started to go to work when I was nine or ten, so I was aware of women trying to find their own identities by working. But I was still influenced by men to such an extreme. I wanted to play their games and wanted to compete in their world and be like them. – Elisabeth Shue


When I was a kid and got in trouble, Id always say, Mom, Im in trouble. Well, Mom, Im in trouble. – Earl Campbell


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