The diagnosis of homosexuality as a

The diagnosis of homosexuality as a “disorder” is a contributing factor to the pathology of those homosexuals who do become mentally ill…. Nothing is more likely to make you sick than being constantly told that you are sick. – Ronald Gold, c.1975

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As long as society is anti-gay, then it will seem like being gay is anti-social. – Joseph Francis


Thus, while many minority groups are the target for prejudice (beliefs) and discrimination (actions) in our society, few persons face this hostility without the support and acceptance of their family as do many gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth. – Virginia Uribe and Karen M. Harbeck, 1992


My urges to write poetry are lesbian, but whatever compels me to prose is straight. – Agavé Powers, 1994


Lesbianism has always seemed to me an extremely inventive response to a shortage of men, but otherwise not worth the trouble. – Nora Ephron, Heartburn, 1983


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