Curiosity is only vanity. Most frequently we wish not to know, but to talk. We would not take a sea voyage for the sole pleasure of seeing without hope of ever telling. – Blaise Pascal, Pensées
Every man who rises above the common level has received two educations: the first from his teachers the second, more personal and important, from himself. – Edward Gibbon
That is what Im looking forward to the most, practical learning. I want to be a registered nurse so getting to talk to people who already work in those jobs can really teach me what to expect when I get out in the real world. – Angela Carter
Its like there are all these languages available, especially in terms of image. Why confine yourself to only English? Theres all these languages and possibilities and concepts to speak or communicate with. – William Wiley
But I dont think that its a form of family that I would be comfortable in. Ive found a way to this character and this family, but I still believe that a marriage is between two people and not seven or three. – Jeanne Tripplehorn