Quote by Evelyn Waugh
It is a curious thing that every creed promises a paradise which w

It is a curious thing that every creed promises a paradise which will be absolutely uninhabitable for anyone of civilized taste. – Evelyn Waugh

Other quotes by Evelyn Waugh

If it could only be like this always — always summer, always alone, the fruit always ripe… – Evelyn Waugh

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Other Quotes from
Paradise, Utopia

The Utopia the bible seems to want would have people hate evil when it is time to hate and suggests that people who turn away from the world to follow His word would in turn be hated and those people who hate them are to be humiliated in the end. – James Dye

From the very fountain of enchantment there arises a taste of bitterness to spread anguish amongst the flowers. – Lucretius

Paradise is exactly like where you are right now… only much, much better. – Laurie Halse Anderson

It gets to seem as if way back in the Garden of Eden after the Fall, Adam and Eve had begged the Lord to forgive them and He, in his boundless exasperation, had said, All right, then. Stay. Stay in the Garden. Get civilized. Procreate. Muck it up. And they did. – Diane Arbus

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