Quote by Hector Babenko
Curiosity doesnt matter any more. These days people dont want to b

Curiosity doesnt matter any more. These days people dont want to be transported to emotional territories where they dont know how to react. – Hector Babenko

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Film / Filmmaking / Movies

Films can only be made by by-passing the will of those who appear in them, using not what they do, but what they are. – Robert Bresson

The people are unreal. The flowers are unreal, they dont smell. The food is unreal, it doesnt taste of anything. The whole place is a glaring, gaudy, nightmarish set, built up in the desert. – Ethel Barrymore

Cinema is an old whore, like circus and variety, who knows how to give many kinds of pleasure. Besides, you cant teach old fleas new dogs. – Federico Fellini

I made some mistakes in drama. I thought the drama was when the actors cried. But drama is when the audience cries. – Frank Capra

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