

Isnt it enough to see that a garden is beautiful without having to believe that there are fairies at the bottom of it too? – Douglas Adams

He hoped and prayed that there wasnt an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasnt an afterlife. – Douglas Adams

Although the time of death is approaching me, I am not afraid of dying and going to Hell or (what would be considerably worse) going to the popularized version of Heaven. I expect death to be nothingness and, for removing me from all possible fears of death, I am thankful to atheism. – Isaac Asimov

Atheism is rather in the lip than in the heart of man. – Francis Bacon

It is true, that a little philosophy inclineth mans mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth mens minds about to religion. – Francis Bacon

I had rather believe all the Fables in the Legend, and the Talmud, and the Alcoran, than that this universal frame is without a Mind. – Francis Bacon

Atheism leaves a man to sense, to philosophy, to natural piety, to laws, to reputation; all of which may be guides to an outward moral virtue, even if religion vanished; but religious superstition dismounts all these and erects an absolute monarchy in the minds of men. – Francis Bacon

I am a daylight atheist. – Brendan F. Behan

We find the most terrible form of atheism, not in the militant and passionate struggle against the idea of God himself, but in the practical atheism of everyday living, in indifference and torpor. We often encounter these forms of atheism among those who are formally Christians. – Nicolai A. Berdyaev

Nobody talks so constantly about God as those who insist that there is no God. – Heywood Broun

Those thinkers who cannot believe in any gods often assert that the love of humanity would be in itself sufficient for them; and so, perhaps, it would, if they had it. – G. K. Chesterton

Forth from his dark and lonely hiding-place, (Portentous sight!) the owlet Atheism, sailing on obscene wings athwart the noon, drops his blue-fringed lids, and holds them close, and hooting at the glorious sun in Heaven, cries out, Where is it? – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

There are no atheists in foxholes. – William T. Cummings

I dont believe in God because I dont believe in Mother Goose – Clarence Darrow