Quote by Edward Sapir
Cultural anthropology is more and more rapidly getting to realize

Cultural anthropology is more and more rapidly getting to realize itself as a strictly historical science. – Edward Sapir

Other quotes by Edward Sapir

English, once accepted as an international language, is no more secure than French has proved to be as the one and only accepted language of diplomacy or as Latin has proved to be as the international language of science. – Edward Sapir

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The attitude of independence toward a constructed language which all national speakers must adopt is really a great advantage, because it tends to make man see himself as the master of language instead of its obedient servant. – Edward Sapir

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Human beings do not live in the objective world alone, nor alone in the world of social activity as ordinarily understood, but are very much at the mercy of the particular language which has become the medium of expression for their society. – Edward Sapir

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Science, like life, feeds on its own decay. New facts burst old rules; then newly divined conceptions bind old and new together into a reconciling law. – William James, The Will to Believe and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy, 1910


I hate science fiction. – James Dyson


Ive always loved 3D. In fact, as a kid, I was exposed to 3D at an early age because my grandfather was a specialist of 3D in cinematheques. And then my cousin put it in Science of Sleep with toilet paper tube cities. But he was a specialist and I always wanted to do something in 3D. – Michel Gondry


It is characteristic of science that the full explanations are often seized in their essence by the percipient scientist long in advance of any possible proof. – John Desmond Bernal, The Origin of Life, 1967


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Do behold the king in his glory, King Sequoia. Behold! Behold! seems all I can say…. Well may I fast, not from bread but from business, bookmaking, duty doing & other trifles…. I’m in the woods woods woods, & they are in mee-ee-ee…. I wish I were wilder & so bless Sequoia I will be. – John Muir, from a letter to Jeanne C. Carr, circa autumn 1870, ©1984 Muir-H
