The day was counting up its birds and never got the answer right. – Author unknown
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My great day came and went, I do not know how. Because it did not pass through dawn when it came, nor through dusk when it went. – Antonio Porchia, Voces, 1943, translated from Spanish by W.S. Merwin
It has been said repeatedly that one can never, try as he will, get around to the front of the universe. Man is destined to see only its far side, to realize nature only in retreat. – Loren Eiseley, “The Innocent Fox,” The Star Thrower, 1978
Walking through the house at night is wonderful to me; a symphony of breath, each person a separate instrument as they collectively breathe in time to the metronome of life itself. – Edwin Leap,
The intellectual force of the West is still dominant, but other cultures are getting stronger. I expect that we will develop a new way of thinking in architecture and urban planning, and that less will be based on our models. – Rem Koolhaas
I will remember always that marriage, like life, is a journey – not a destination – and that its treasures are found not just at the end but all along the way. – Anon.