As far as Im concerned, theres no job more important on the planet than being a mom. – Mark Wahlberg
You know, theres nothing like seeing the smile on my kids faces. Laughing together. Playing. Its the best. – Mark Wahlberg
As far as Im concerned, theres no job more important on the planet than being a mom. – Mark Wahlberg
You know, theres nothing like seeing the smile on my kids faces. Laughing together. Playing. Its the best. – Mark Wahlberg
I dont go to Mass every day. But I go to church every day. Just sitting there, thinking – its a great way to start the morning, you know? You feel so good coming out, and your approach to everything is suddenly really clear. – Mark Wahlberg
Tiger Woods is the only sports star whos worth every penny he makes. – Mark Wahlberg
Studios, because they are investing a great deal of money in movies, they want a guarantee that when they hire somebody that person can deliver for them. Everything is fear based, so they pigeonhole people. But Ive written everything, from Westerns to sci-fi to dramedy, Ive done it all. – Melissa Rosenberg