Quote by Greg Anderson
The concept of total wellness recognizes that our every thought, w

The concept of total wellness recognizes that our every thought, word, and behavior affects our greater health and well-being. And we, in turn, are affected not only emotionally but also physically and spiritually. – Greg Anderson

Other quotes by Greg Anderson

Lets face it. In most of life we really are interdependent. We need each other. Staunch independence is an illusion, but heavy dependence isnt healthy, either. The only position of long-term strength is interdependence: win/win. – Greg Anderson

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Changing our diet is something we choose to do, not something we are forced to do. Instead of dreading it, try saying, Heres another thing I get to do to help myself. Great! – Greg Anderson

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When we are motivated by goals that have deep meaning, by dreams that need completion, by pure love that needs expressing, then we truly live life. – Greg Anderson

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Our government has made a number of promises to the men and women who served in our nations armed forces. Sadly, these promises of health care, education and other benefits have existed more in rhetoric than in reality. – Allen Boyd


We dont want the efficiency of the federal government and the compassion of the IRS to run our health care. – Todd Akin


In this most powerful nation in the world, lack of access to health care should not force local and state governments, companies and workers into bankruptcy, while causing unnecessary illness and hospitalization. – John Conyers


I think its important that, as a matter of course, the brain and spinal column were removed from this cow, and that would be the material that would cause concern in terms of human health. And therefore were confident in the safety of the food supply. – Ann Veneman


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