Mom claimed that I could carry a tune at 2 or 3 years of age. Maybe she was a little prejudiced. – Ethel Merman
My beloved Mom and Pop always rated tops with each other, and thats the way it will always be. – Ethel Merman
Mom claimed that I could carry a tune at 2 or 3 years of age. Maybe she was a little prejudiced. – Ethel Merman
My beloved Mom and Pop always rated tops with each other, and thats the way it will always be. – Ethel Merman
Mom and Pop were proud of my popularity, but from their point of view, show business was no way to make a living. – Ethel Merman
Christmas carols always brought tears to my eyes. I also cry at weddings. I should have cried at a couple of my own. – Ethel Merman