The chief misery of the decline of the faculties, and a main cause

The chief misery of the decline of the faculties, and a main cause of the irritability that often goes with it, is evidently the isolation, the lack of customary appreciation and influence, which only the rarest tact and thoughtfulness on the part of others can alleviate. – Charles Horton Cooley

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Disability, Handicaps

The invalid is a parasite on society. In a certain state it is indecent to go on living. To vegetate on in cowardly dependence on physicians and medicaments after the meaning of life, the right to life, has been lost ought to entail the profound contempt of society. – Friedrich Nietzsche

One always overcompensates for disabilities. Im thinking of having my entire body surgically removed. – Douglas Adams

Disability is a matter of perception. If you can do just one thing well, youre needed by someone. – Martina Navratilova

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