Quote by Monica Lewinsky
I certainly know that this relationship could not have continued t

I certainly know that this relationship could not have continued the way it did, when I was at the Pentagon and the president was obviously at the White House, without Betty. – Monica Lewinsky

Other quotes by Monica Lewinsky

So I think its – what was important to me is that I found that I cant change the fact that people already have made an opinion about me. But I dont think that should stop me from trying to correct some of the misperceptions that are out there. – Monica Lewinsky

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So it was sort of an odd time because I had been hired, but my paperwork hadnt gone through. So I worked as an intern during the government shutdown, as an intern, but I already had a job. – Monica Lewinsky

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This was a mutual relationship, mutual on all levels, right from the way it started and all the way through. I dont accept that he had to completely desecrate my character. – Monica Lewinsky

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