

All the so-called “secrets of success” will not work unless you do. – Author Unknown

You cannot plough a field by turning it over in your mind. – Author Unknown

Much good work is lost for the lack of a little more. – Edward H. Harriman

The one thing that matters is the effort. It continues, whereas the end to be attained is but an illusion of the climber, as he fares on and on from crest to crest; and once the goal is reached it has no meaning. РAntoine de Saint-Exup̩ry, The Wisdom of the Sands, translated from French by St

Many an opportunity is lost because a man is out looking for four-leaf clovers. – Author Unknown

No one understands that you have given everything. You must give more. – Antonio Porchia, Voces, 1943, translated from Spanish by W.S. Merwin

Men are made stronger on realization that the helping hand they need is at the end of their own arm. – Sidney J. Phillips

The person who is waiting for something to turn up might start with their shirt sleeves. – Garth Henrichs

He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to stand and walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying. – Friedrich Nietzsche

When I was young, I observed that nine out of ten things I did were failures. So I did ten times more work. – George Bernard Shaw

Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success. – Swami Sivananda

Though the barriers of life seem formidable, we find when we challenge them that they have no will. – Robert Brault,

One saves oneself much pain, by taking pains; much trouble, by taking trouble. – Augustus William Hare and Julius Charles Hare, Guesses at Truth, by Two Brothers

Some people dream of success… while others wake up and work hard at it. – Author Unknown

The winds and waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators. – Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle. – Abraham Lincoln

The footprint of the owner is the best manure. – English Proverb

The only thing that ever sat its way to success was a hen. – Sarah Brown

If you have an idea of what you want to do in your future, you must go at it with almost monastic obsession, be it music, the ballet or just a basic degree. You have to go at it single-mindedly and let nothing get in your way. – Henry Rollins

Sweat is the cologne of accomplishment. – Heywood Hale Broun