

We never know the worth of water til the well is dry. – English Proverb

No price is too low for a bear or too high for a bull. – Proverb

The gods sell all things at a fair price. – Proverb

Something you dont want is dear at any price. – Proverb

We know the true worth of a thing when we have lost it. – Proverb

Take what you want, God said to man, and pay for it. – Proverb

What you get free costs too much. – Jean Anouilh

Nothing matters very much, and few things matter at all. – Arthur Balfour

This world is run with far too tight a rein for luck to interfere. Fortune sells her wares; she never gives them. In some form or other, we pay for her favors; or we go empty away. – Amelia E. Barr

When you want something, you have to be willing to pay your dues. – Les Brown

Everything you want in life has a price connected to it. Theres a price to pay if you want to make things better, a price to pay just for leaving things as they are, a price for everything. – Harry Browne

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. – Buddha

Price is what you pay. Value is what you get. – Warren Buffett

Calculated risks of abuse are taken in order to preserve higher values. – Warren Earl Burger

Were so engaged in doing things to achieve purposes of outer value that we forget that the inner value, the rapture that is associated with being alive, is what its all about. – Joseph Campbell

That which costs little is less valued. – Miguel de Cervantes

One doesnt recognize the really important moments in ones life until its too late. – Agatha Christie

You will be as much value to others as you have been to yourself. – Marcus Tullius Cicero

Its not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are. – Roy Disney

If you are determined enough and willing to pay the price, you can get it done. – Mike Ditka