

The Unicorn — the wild, white, fierce, chaste Moon, whose two horns, unlike those of mortal creatures, are indissolubly twisted into one, whose brilliant horn drives away the darkness and evil of the night. – Robert Brown, The Unicorn: A Mythological Investigation, 1881, wording slightly

[O]ur Unicorn sings ravishing melodies for those who possess the inner ear of mystics and poets. – James Huneker, Unicorns, 1906–1917 [The book is a collection of essays abo

Always be yourself. Unless you can be a unicorn, then always be a unicorn. – Elle Lothlorien [Post-publication paraphrase. Original: “I was told to just be m

There is no such thing as a great man or a great woman. People believe in them, just as they used to believe in unicorns and dragons. The greatest man or woman is ninety-nine per cent just like yourself. – George Bernard Shaw, 1932

Hey, I like unicorns. Unicorns are just weaponized ponies. – Damon Suede, Bad Idea, 2013

The unicorn, she said, was a marvelous beast, shining with honor, wisdom and strength. Just to see him strengthened the soul. – Megan Lindholm, “The Unicorn in the Maze,” 1988

Being a person is getting too complicated. Time to be a unicorn. – Popular internet meme, c.2013

The unicorn stands alone, still as frost. It keeps watch down the corridors of time. The past and the future meet in the presence of the unicorn; the darkness and light become one. Patient as a candle flame, inviolate, here is our guardian, keeper of the silent unknown. – Josephine Bradley, c.1980

Think of the Unicorn, that curious symbol of retirement from the world… – Edward Carpenter, “Tradition, Convention, and the Gods,” c.1898

Never play leapfrog with a unicorn. – Sage advice

No one can vouch for the origins of the medieval proverb, “No true virgin plays leapfrog with a unicorn in the forest on a spring night.” – Muriel Segal, Virgins Reluctant, Dubious & Avowed, 1977

I believe that the Unicorn may come to represent… the realm of art…. Bereft of a complete fable, the Unicorn has earned a place in our imagination as an arcanum, an emblem of what we do not know. – Roger Shattuck (1923–2005), “The Sphinx and the Unicorn,” Forbidden Knowle

[I]f the horne have this situation, and be so forwardly affixed, as is described, it will not be easily conceived, how it can feed from the ground… – Thomas Browne (1605–1682)