

Ive been lucky to travel through quite a bit of Europe and Australia, but I would love to do Asia and South America and South Africa. – Dianna Agron

There are days when I intentionally dont write. For instance, I never write when Im traveling, because travel is a situation where I can learn more by looking and listening than by working. – Thomas Perry

But I want people to understand that pokers not all glamorous, its not all being on TV and making tons of money. Its a hard life. Its a lot of travel. Its a lot of weird hours. – Chris Moneymaker

Even when my parents were together, they both had to travel and work, and it wasnt like they had nine-to-five jobs. In that way, it wasnt a normal family life. – Georgia Jagger

When youre an artist, theres always a moment in your life when you think youre not inspired and instead of doing things and instead of travel and instead of falling in love, youre just depressed, so you dont move, so you dont change. So youre not inspired. – Melanie Laurent

I love to travel. Im a curious person. – Hilary Swank

I mean, the first Back to the Future is kind of a perfect script, I think, in terms of handling time travel the best. It depends on your definition. To me, that means it effectively uses it in the story. – Rian Johnson

Unlike some of the time-travel movies I love, like Primer or 12 Monkeys, Looper is not about time travel. Its about this situation that time travel creates and the people dealing with that situation. So narratively, the big challenge was to have time travel get out of the way. – Rian Johnson

Thats my dream job, to be able to mail songs out to people who want to hear them. Paste my face on them and not travel all over the world trying to sell them. – Kristin Hersh

Sure were in limos. Were stars. How else is a star supposed to travel? – Deion Sanders

Ive worked with a band, and its nice to have someone to travel around with, but I didnt like it as well on stage. – Randy Newman

You know its only 50 miles from Grand River to Canton, but it took me 67 years to travel that distance. – Don Shula

Yeah. Ive been pretty fortunate to travel I guess, all around the place. – Ben E. King

Im interested to go other places, Ive been the boy in the bubble since weve been shooting, I need to go travel a little bit, see where the action is, other than going to see family, of course. – George Eads

Im a big fan of doing Triple D. But I dont want to do it forever, dont get me wrong! Travel away from my family, are you crazy? But do you know what it does for these mom-and-pop restaurant joints? It changes their lives forever. I mean, their businesses will never be the same. – Guy Fieri

Golf is growing, and there are more good young players, but you dont see them going abroad. Its so expensive to travel. – Retief Goosen

I think travel is probably the downside of playing professional golf, but youve got to do it. – Karrie Webb

I got the travel bug when I was quite young. My parents took me and my sisters out of school and we travelled all over Europe. It was an eye-opening experience and, although I love Norway, I also enjoy visiting new countries. I dont get homesick. – Magnus Carlsen

Writing allows me the time to travel and see the world, which is what I always wanted to do. Id really like to have been Sir Richard Francis Burton, but its the wrong century. – Alan Dean Foster

Some guys travel with expensive Louis Vuitton luggage but it gets all scratched up under the plane. Id rather not spend too much money on something thats just going to get messed up. – James Harden